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MutaGene: Exploring context-dependent mutational profiles
MutaGene: Exploring mutational profiles
Teresa Przytycka | Mutational Signatures – form methods to mechanisms | CGSI 2022
Somatic Mutations and Annotations
Computational Approaches to Study Interactions Between Mutagenic Processes and Cellular Processes
DNA: Building blocks that made me a learner in perpetuity | Dr Serena Nik-Zainal | 03 November 2020
Somatic Mutations
TCGA Symposium, Keynote and Q&A - Eric Lander
How to Read a Cancer Genome | Webinar 2: Tertiary analysis beyond driver mutations
Mutational signature SBS8 predominantly arises due to late replication errors in cancer
Serena Nik-Zainal, Jan Czarnecki, & Scott Shooter | EACR Bioinformatics Virtual Conference 2020
Tracing genomic histories and environmental influences in... - Maria Secrier - ISMB 2018 TransMed